Detailed Instructions On
On Your iPhone or iPad
1. Open the Podcasts app.
2. If you are in the iTunes Store, great. If not, click the Store button (upper left corner for iPhone, lower left corner for iPad).
3. Find the search box at the top of the screen, and type in Life Matters and hit Enter.
4. Scroll down to the Podcasts section and click on Life Matters.
5. To subscribe, click on the SUBSCRIBE button near the top.
6. To rate and review the show, click on either Reviews (on the iPhone) or Ratings and Reviews (on the iPad).
◦ You may be asked to enter your password for your Apple ID.
◦ Click on the Write a Review button.
◦ If you haven’t written a review in iTunes before, you will be asked to enter a name to be displayed with your review.
◦ Click on the number of stars (preferably 5 stars).
◦ Enter your title and your review.
◦ Click Submit in the upper right corner. You are done! The review will not show up right away, but you are all set.
In iTunes On Your Computer (Windows or iOS)
1. Open iTunes.
2. If you are in the iTunes Store already, great. If not, click the iTunes Store button in the upper right corner or in the menu bar.
3. Click in the search box in the upper right corner, type in Life Matters, and hit Enter.
4. Click on the Life Matters logo under Podcasts.
5. To subscribe, click the Subscribe button in the left column below the show logo.
6. To rate and review the show, click Ratings and Reviews just above the show description and below the show name in the middle.
◦ Click Write a Review.
◦ If you don’t have an Apple ID, you will be prompted to create one now.
◦ If you haven’t written a review in iTunes before, enter a name to be displayed with your review.
◦ Enter the title and the review.
◦ Be sure to click on the number of stars (preferably 5 stars).
◦ Click Submit and you are done! The review will not show up right away, but you are all set.